Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Watch Who And What You Vote For

Most people may not realize it, but we are coming upon some dangerous times. I don't mean terrorism, global pollution or anything like that. What I'm worried about is, we as a people handing our rights over in the name of safety and protection. We all want to feel safe and protected, but remember that Freedom has a price. There will always be things that we have to learn to live with in order to be free. Also when you hand over your rights, any rights, you will never get them back. So remember with election time coming up, be careful who you vote for. Don't look at just one issue. Even if that one issue seems big and important, its not the only thing to look for. If that were the case we would only have to sleep. Our eyes would be closed and we would never have to worry about anything. Sleep is very important, there are other important things as well, we have to eat, drink and do many other things to live. In November please remember this and really look into who your voting for and why.


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