Sunday, August 01, 2004

Almost made it home!

Today was a nice day, or so I thought. I went on my ride, saw some clouds and sun. I knew that there was a chance for rain, but I kept going. When I got into Milford, PA it started to rain. Not a lot, but enough to make me worry. As I left Milford the sky began to clear. Wow, I was out of the woods. I still hit some areas where the sky was dark, but I had to keep going. I was heading home. I made all the way back to Dickson City and the rain started. It wasn't too bad, but bad enough. Yes I got wet! It could have been worse. Still there I was all wet! So, I rode from Dickson City in to Scranton with the rain still falling. Just as I was about to leave Scranton and enter Moosic, the rain stopped. In fact it looked like it didn't even rain in Moosic. However, as I am now typing this its raining outside. I guess the rain caught up to me. Now it doesn't matter, I'm in my house high and dry.


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