Friday, July 30, 2004

Some Questions.

The first thing that I would like to know is how many of you believe in UFO's?

The second thing that I would like to know is how many of you believe that a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947?

Post your comments and let me know what you think, even if you don't believe in any of it.


Blogger Sunny said...

ok, want to be exposed to the full extent of my paranoia? well, you did ask for it...

RE: UFO's. yes.

RE: Roswell? not so much. actually, it's possible, but the theory that my (albeit, at times slightly schizophrenic) brain is more fond of is that the government made up the Roswell incident to make the other stuff seem less likely.. as in, "We'll show them that if there actually are UFO's, they're conspicuous, therefore, all those little incidents (which are more likely to be UFO's, imo), are likely not UFO's, because they'll think it'd be like Roswell was."

i guess my thinking is, if there are aliens advanced enough to get to our planet, they'd be a little too smart to get caught at it.

2:09 PM  

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