Saturday, July 31, 2004

Today wasn't a very good day for a ride. The morning looked like it might be fine. I checked the weather report and this afternoon didn't look good at all. So I didn't ride the bike. I'm glad I didn't! Posted by Hello

Friday, July 30, 2004

Some Questions.

The first thing that I would like to know is how many of you believe in UFO's?

The second thing that I would like to know is how many of you believe that a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947?

Post your comments and let me know what you think, even if you don't believe in any of it.

Another Thing To Update

Yesterday it was ZoneAlarm, today its time to update Windows. If your still using Internet Explorer you'll definitely want to install this update. Even if you switched to another browser like FireFox, this would still be a good update to have. The update patches some of the security flaws with IE.

Whatever browser you use, you should still always run windows update. There's no time like the present.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

ZoneAlarm Update

If you use ZoneAlarm as your firewall its time to update. The program should ask you if you want to update, but if you have the auto update feature turned off go to preferences and update it now.

A nice afternoon.

It was such a nice afternoon, I couldn't resist going for a ride. I ended up on route 309 south and found a few things of interest. Some of the pictures I took are below.

Stopping for a bit in Tamaqua. Posted by Hello

Tamaqua, PA Posted by Hello

An old strip mine outside of Mcadoo. Posted by Hello

Another shot of the old yard engine. Posted by Hello

An old forgotten yard engine just outside of Mcadoo, PA. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

How long has wine been around?

Here is an interesting article from National Geographic about early man and wine. If you enjoy a nice glass of wine every now and then, you may be interested in knowing how it came about.

Another day with rain! Of the four days that I had off, it rained on three of them. At least I had my bike ride on Saturday.  Posted by Hello

You know I want it. Just give it to me! Posted by Hello

I've got it! Posted by Hello

Monday, July 26, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Soon we'll have fresh tomatoes. Posted by Hello

A patriotic garden! Posted by Hello

Every yard needs a Pink Flamingo. Posted by Hello

What could be next? Hmmmm........ Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 25, 2004

A New Space Race?

Oh no! It's the Caucasian Asian! Posted by Hello

An Eclipse in front of Fresno's? Yes, I think it was a full Eclipse. (Nice new car Ray!) Posted by Hello

I saw the strangest thing today. A UFO in my yard! (I later found out it wasn't a UFO just my Mom making a table for the back yard.) Posted by Hello

Recovering After The Ride!

Yesterday I tried to may it to Lake Erie. I didn't, but I came close. It turns out that I was a lot closer then I thought. I was only 23 miles away. If I knew that I would have went the rest of the way, but I didn't. I think that route 6 west isn't the way to go to Lake Erie. Next time I will try 81 north and take 17 west. If I stay on the highways, I should make much better time. I really can't say that my little trip was a wash out. It was very fun. By the time I came home I put 581 miles on the bike, not bad at all. That is the most mileage that I ever put on it in one day.

One thing wrong with the whole trip was that I left home at 9:30 AM. That was a bit too late, but I had to burn a new minidisc full of 5 hours of music for the trip. It was nice to have fresh music for the trip. Next time I will get out much earlier.

I ended up getting home around 11:15 PM or so. I was tired, cold and very sore. At one point I didn't think that I would make it home, but I pushed myself for a bit. Over eleven hours on a bike with just a few stops (mostly for gas) can wear you down.

I did see something very wild yesterday. I didn't get a chance to take out my camera fast enough, but I saw Amish shopping at Wal-Mart. That would have made a great photo, an Amish man and kid with a blue Wal-Mart bag. I don't know if they would have liked me taking their picture, but I wish I had a chance to try.

I did get a chance to take a few pictures, check them out and let me know what you think.

Always remember to yield for cows crossing the road! Posted by Hello

I think we may have some Cows here! Posted by Hello

Looking back to the west. Posted by Hello

The first stop for gas on the way home. Posted by Hello

Western PA! (Corry PA) Posted by Hello

I made it as far as Union City. This, as it turns out was the turning point. Posted by Hello

Even I need to eat lunch. Posted by Hello

Saturday, July 24, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, July 23, 2004

Ready For The Ride

As of now the weather for tomorrow looks fine. So I think that I will get a chance to go on my bike ride. I doubt that I'll have a post tomorrow, but I will try to post the pictures from tomorrow's ride on Sunday.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A Special Message

A special message to my friend in Holland.

Ik Vin Je Erc Aardig.

I told you that I would have a message for you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Getting ready for Saturday's ride

Today I started to get ready for my bike ride to Lake Erie. I also checked the weather and still saw rain for Saturday. Even so, I think that I will still try for Saturday.

One of the things that I got today was a MMC/SD card for my small digital camera. It's an extra 128 MBs of pictures that I can take on the trip. If the trip goes as planed, I post as many pictures as I can on Sunday.

Wish me luck for good weather on Saturday, I made need it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

One Small Step For A Man...........

35 years ago today the United States was the first (and only so far) to put a man on the moon. Apollo 11 with its 3 man crew of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins made its historic flight 35 years ago today. Putting not just one man but two men on the surface of the moon and returning them safely back to earth. This was the most significant achievement of the 20th century, if not in all of mans recorded history.

There is talk about another moon landing for the U.S., but will it be more men or machines. I hope both. Post your comments and let me know what you think.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Some Eye Candy!

For tonight I thought that it would be nice to post some old pictures. I hope that you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Do you have the time? Posted by Hello