Sunday, July 25, 2004

Recovering After The Ride!

Yesterday I tried to may it to Lake Erie. I didn't, but I came close. It turns out that I was a lot closer then I thought. I was only 23 miles away. If I knew that I would have went the rest of the way, but I didn't. I think that route 6 west isn't the way to go to Lake Erie. Next time I will try 81 north and take 17 west. If I stay on the highways, I should make much better time. I really can't say that my little trip was a wash out. It was very fun. By the time I came home I put 581 miles on the bike, not bad at all. That is the most mileage that I ever put on it in one day.

One thing wrong with the whole trip was that I left home at 9:30 AM. That was a bit too late, but I had to burn a new minidisc full of 5 hours of music for the trip. It was nice to have fresh music for the trip. Next time I will get out much earlier.

I ended up getting home around 11:15 PM or so. I was tired, cold and very sore. At one point I didn't think that I would make it home, but I pushed myself for a bit. Over eleven hours on a bike with just a few stops (mostly for gas) can wear you down.

I did see something very wild yesterday. I didn't get a chance to take out my camera fast enough, but I saw Amish shopping at Wal-Mart. That would have made a great photo, an Amish man and kid with a blue Wal-Mart bag. I don't know if they would have liked me taking their picture, but I wish I had a chance to try.

I did get a chance to take a few pictures, check them out and let me know what you think.


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