Sunday, September 19, 2004

Tomorrow a new PC?

Yesterday my RAM came in 1.5 GB of RAM. Tomorrow my motherboard and CPU should be in. If it does come in I'll start building my new system.

I hope to have it up and running in a few days, so I won't have any new posts until then.

Hope to be back soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

On My Way To A New PC

Not quite a new PC, but a new motherboard, CPU and ram.

Today I ordered all of the parts I needed to build my new system. Here are links to all of my new parts:




Heatsink and CPU Fan

I can't wait to start building it!

A Polish Joke On Warsaw Day

A Polish immigrant goes to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. He has to take an eye sight test.

The optician shows him a card with the letters

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z'.

"Can you read this?" the optician asks.

"Read it?" the Polish guy replies, "I know the guy."

Happy Warsaw Day!

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Warsaw Day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Warsaw Day

It's a shame that many holidays become forgotten, even in their own homeland. Warsaw day is one such holiday. It celebrates the selfless act of one Polish hero during a very dark time in Polish history.

Lec Tolcentovyski lead his fellow Warsaw citizens to drive the invading army of Ukrainian Cossacks out of Warsaw. He and many others bravely gave their lives on September 15th 1587.

In 1732 Warsaw Day was made into an official holiday. It was celebrated up until the German invasion and occupation of WWII. After WWII ended and being under Soviet control, Warsaw Day was never to be celebrated again.

Before WWII Warsaw Day was a day long festival in Poland. There was much celebrating and food (all of the great Polish dishes you can think of). Everywhere it was celebrated the color red, which was the most important color of this holiday was everywhere. People wore red clothing and buildings were draped in red. (How ironic that red would be the color of Warsaw Day and the red Soviet Union crushed this Polish holiday.)

Red is a very important color for the holiday, it symbolizes the blood that Lec Tolcentovyski spilled on that day for his beloved Warsaw.

I think its time to remember Lec Tolcentovyski and the others who gave their lives on that day. Remember it doesn't matter if your Polish or not, on Warsaw Day everyone is Polish. So tomorrow on the 15th of September wear something red and spread to others what this day means.

Firefox 1.0 PR Is Here!

You can download it at

Monday, September 13, 2004

Save Betamax!

No I don't want you to try and save the old betamax format. What I want you to save is your ability to use a VCR, mp3 player or even a DVD burner.

Back in the early 80's the Supreme Court made a ruling known as the Betamax Decision which made VCR's legal. This ruling has remained untouched since then until now. There is some legislation that may get passed in Congress to overrule that decision.

What does mean to you? We quite a bit. Do you use a VCR, Tivo, or any item that can record sound or video? I'll bet that you own me than one of these items. If the Betamax Decision is overruled all of those items could become illegal.

You may now be asking what you can do. There is a lot you can do. Go to and read on ways you can help to stop this insane legislation.

Overclock Your Video Card

Are you one of those people who want to get everything you can get out of your computer. Have you overclocked you cpu? If you have tried overclocking before why not try and overclock your video card. Even if you haven't tried overclocking, give it a try.

Tonight on The Screen Savers there was a great tip on how you can overclock your video card. I tried it some time ago, and I have had some really good results. You can read the article from The Screen Savers here.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

I guess I shouldn't wonder why my skin is glowing tonight. Posted by Hello

Along the roadside. Posted by Hello

Yesterdays Pictures Today!

I didn't get a chance to post the pictures form yesterdays ride last night. So here they are below.

The days are just too short. Posted by Hello

A little stream. Posted by Hello

Remember, when you go under a single lane underpass. Stay in your lane. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Genesis Space Capsule Crash

The Genesis Space Capsule crashed in Utah today. A Yahoo article can be found here.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Only A Few Gmail Invites Left!

I only have a few Gmail invites left.

Post a comment now if you want one. Just remember to make your comment good and don't forget your E-Mail address.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Still Use A Floppy Disk?

Do you still use a floppy disk or do you use something else like CD's? If you still use them or not you may find this article from Yahoo! Interesting.

You can read it here.

Labor Day Blues

Not so much Labor Day blues as Tuesday morning blues. Tuesday morning means back to work, not that its the end of everything. It just means that the three day weekend is over. Time once again to be responsible and go back to work. There is an up side to starting on Tuesday, there is only four days to the work week left.

If you have ever wondered about the history of Labor Day click here for the U.S. Department of Labors information on the holiday.

The third and yes, the last shot of the Susquehanna. Posted by Hello

Another shot of the Susquehanna River. Posted by Hello

The Susquehanna River with Towanda off in the distance. Posted by Hello

I hope it does! Posted by Hello

Your gateway into space? Posted by Hello

Looking for any way in. Posted by Hello
this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Gmail Giveaway!

I have some Gmail invites to give out. I'll give them out to anyone who gives me a good reason why they should have one. Be creative, I'm looking for good reasons why I should I should give them away.

Just reply to this post with your reason and don't forget to leave your E-Mail address.

Finding The Pieces

I think I know what I'm going to use for my PC rebuild. An AMD Athlon 64 3400+ for my CPU seems to be the way to go. I would love to go with an AMD 64 FX, but I just don't have that kind of money.

I'm still working out a few things like ram and a motherboard. I'm not really working too hard on the motherboard, I may go with a Soyo. It seems like the best bang for the buck.

I'll post my final choices over the next few days.

If you only knew what I'm thinking. Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 02, 2004

My Computer Is Alive, But Well....?

Today my new power supply came in. It works great, but there is still a problem with my computer. On a cold boot I get 5 error beeps, which mean that there is a problem with my CPU. The strange thin is, if I hit the reset button on my computer....It boots just fine. I don't think that there is a problem with the CPU, but the motherboard my have something wrong with it.

For now I think that I will have to learn to live with it. I have to wonder what the problem really is. Not knowing what the problem is, I'm going to start to look for a new motherboard, CPU and ram. I think that I may go with an AMD CPU this time. A bit more bang for the buck.

Until then I'll just have my little motherboard problem. Who knows, given a little more time I may be able to fix my computer problem without the upgrade.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another Post With No PC

Today I have good news I should have my new power supply tomorrow. I hope to have my computer up and running tomorrow night.

Just in time too, I have some pictures to post from todays ride.