Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not From My Vacation, But From Today

I was at the post office today checking my PO Box and saw these. Thought they were cool looking.

Too Much To Post

I have a lot of great pictures and videos from my vacation. Too Many! Over the next few days I'll be posting more videos via youtube. I'll also try to post a few more pictures.

A Great Old Stone Dam

This stone Dam is just outside of Celina. It reminds me of an old Aztec Temple.

Now For Some Of The Town Of Celina

Now For Dale Hallow Lake

Now For Something a bit Amish

This Amish community is just north of Celina in Kentucky.

Now For Some Pictures From Celina, TN

These are from a little zoo in Celina, TN.

Pictures From The Pensacola Naval Air Station Museum

What a great museum.

Still More Vacation Pictures

This posting and the one before are from Orange Beach, AL And Pensacola, FL.

Vacation Pictures!

I finally uploaded some of my vacation pictures. It may have been two weeks ago, but here they are! More to come

Another Video From My Vacation

This video is when I was in Celina, TN. The Camel walked up to me and thought the camera was something to eat. I'm just happy that I was quick enough to step back and still bring this video to you. (There were no camel bites in the camera.)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Vacation In Orange Beach, AL

Here's some video I took earlier today of the Gulf of Mexico. I also have som pictures that I'll be posting soon.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Its Blue

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Signs Of Better Weather

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Somewhere over the..................

Stop The Presses!

Oh, wait I guess Their stopped. The Scranton Times Presses, Scranton, PA.

New Pictures From Nay Aug Park Part Three

New Pictures From Nay Aug Park Part Two