Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A new way to test your bandwidth (and it looks pretty cool too!)

The site allows you to select servers to ping from around the country on an interactive map and graphically displays connections as they travel with varying speeds along the way. It also lets you store results of tests for your computer and sort them by date, time, speed and distance.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

An old hi-resolution colour photograph of London - circa 1930's?

I found this photo embedded in the Wikipedia article of London, without any comments or even a description. It is an old photo taken at Piccadilly Circus looking up Shaftsbury Avenue. This is a great photo - something that you don't see often as it is in colour!
A great and interesting peek into the past.

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Buzz Aldrin - UFO spotted on Apollo 11, never mentioned for public's sake

Buzz Aldrin describes the flight back to Earth on Apollo 11, and the strange object they saw orbiting near them. They asked mission control where their old missile was, and the object was clearly to close to be the missile. They made no further mention of it so no to scare the public,

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Super Simple Homemade Radio

Take some wire, a razor, a safety pin and an ear piece; stir in some MacGyver and you've got yourself an AM crystal radio - only without the crystal! The razor and safety pin act as a diode. It really doesn't take too long once you get the hang of it. Designed by soldiers in WWII, the "Foxhole Radio" is a great weekend or rainy day projec

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