Sunday, July 30, 2006
Amazing Retro 1950's Ads (Really Cool)
The Ad*Access project consists of hundreds of retro ads from the 1950's. They are grouped into five categories: Beauty & Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation & World War II. These subjects were chosen for their broad popular appeal and proven interest to students, faculty and researchers.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Guide to Those Useless Windows XP Services
here is a look at the default set of services that come with a fresh installation of Windows XP. "We'll tell you the ones that you don't need and try to tell you why, so you can disable them without any problems."
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Tuesday, July 04, 2006
A Look into the TENTH DIMENSION.
This site goes from the 0 dimension, a point, all the way to the tenth dimension, a point containing all possible time lines for all possible universes.
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