Thursday, October 21, 2004

Another Reason To Use Fire Fox

More problems with IE. Read this Informatoin Week article.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

A Really Cold Bike Ride

Today was a great day for a motorcycle ride, even if it was a bit cold. I think the high was about 47 degrees. A bit cold, but I saw a lot of great sites today. Some of which are posted below.

I once again had the bike in Centralia, PA. This time I took some pictures. Its strange to ride around in a dead town. Here is a link with a bit more information on Centralia.

I also found an old coal breaker just outside of Shenandoah, PA. I must have walked around it for about 20 minutes taking pictures. Some of them are below.

I guess the past has looked better. Posted by Hello

A Model A Tow Truck Posted by Hello

An old Grablick's Dairy truck. (I think its a Divco) Posted by Hello

The last, but one of the best views of this old breaker. Posted by Hello

This was a very large building. Posted by Hello

Just imagine all of the people who worked here. Posted by Hello

It almost looks like something from a SciFi movie. Posted by Hello

It is a really large building. Posted by Hello

I wonder what it was like when it was in operation. Posted by Hello

The first of many pictures of an old coal breaker near Shenandoah, PA Posted by Hello

A picture of the bike in Centralia. Posted by Hello

A modern ghost town, Centralia, PA. Posted by Hello

Looking down Route 42. Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 09, 2004

20,000 Miles!

Today the bike hit 20,000 miles. I put over 7,000 miles on the bike this season alone.

Even with the threat of rain, it was a great day for a ride. The sky was a bit overcast and looked as if it was going to rain at any moment. I however lucked out. I just hope that I will be able to get a few more days like this in before it becomes too cold to ride.

Can you find the horse? Posted by Hello

A second view of Bob Kast's Pond. Posted by Hello

Bob Kast's Pond in Dushore, PA. Posted by Hello

The bike at Wright's View. Posted by Hello

More fall colors. Posted by Hello

The Linray Farm. Posted by Hello

From green to the colors of fall. Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 03, 2004

I'm Back!

My new system is great! It just took some time to get everything working right. I'm sad to say that my TV tuner card doesn't wok with the new motherboard. I guess you can't have everything. I just have to try a different one.

Today was a great day for a motorcycle ride. I rode for over 250 miles. Some of the pictures from today's ride were posted tonight.

Its great to have a computer again. I should now be able to keep up to date with my posts again.

Its Fall! Posted by Hello

A nice fall day. Posted by Hello

We need more stores like this where I live. I love the heads in the window! Posted by Hello

On my way to Binghamton, NY. Posted by Hello

The bridge back to PA. Posted by Hello